62, rue d’Orsel
75018 PARIS
TEL : 01 42 58 24 41
Hôtel Eiffel Capitol
Welcome to Sophie's Blog. This is a space where the Regetel Hotels staff shares with you their best restaurants, bars, events and activities in Paris and even some of our favorite recipes. We are Parisians, and to help you discover and see Paris as a Parisian, we guide you the places unknown to many tourists.
You will find L'Alisier in the street Rodier, a very nice restaurant. Inside it looks zen (cream and black colours) and welcoming. This restaurant is kept by Stephane and Bertrand. This evening, Bertrand was in rooma and Stephane was in kitchen ! Bertrand was charming, recommending us for dishes : Gamgas cooked in Mexicain way, a culinary delight ! and for dessert a waffle with som Chantilly cream (ups my diet !!!!). They serve generously (specially in Chantilly cream) and Bertrand made me laugh a lot. I had a very good time and if you search for a reasonable and convivial restaurant, YOU FOUND IT !